Predator Pups – Photographing Playful Coyotes

coyote pups

  Coyotes are among the most prevalent wildlife in North America. We often catch glimpses of them, and their night time yipping-like howls are common serenades in many rural areas. But despite their prevalence, coyotes are not as easy to photograph as we might expect. Considered pests by many, coyotes are often hunted, and consequently tend to be very leery of people. When you find… Read morePredator Pups – Photographing Playful Coyotes

Orgy at Fort Livingstone, Saskatchewan

garter snakes, Fort Livingstone

  Last week we made a return trip to photograph one of nature’s most intriguing phenomena. This wildlife adventure is in a class by itself – people either find it fascinating, or else get completely creeped-out. Every spring, thousands of red-sided garter snakes literally pour out of their hibernaculum on the banks of the Swan River in eastern Saskatchewan. It’s mating season and they certainly… Read moreOrgy at Fort Livingstone, Saskatchewan

Dog Day Afternoon

wild dog

The African wild dog is among the most sought-after critters for photographers. Once widespread throughout sub-Saharan Africa, they are now among the most endangered animals, with an estimated total population of little more than 5,000 in the entire continent. About the size of a border collie, they are a beautiful mottled black, white, yellow, and brown. Considered the most social of all canids or dog-like… Read moreDog Day Afternoon

Necking with Tall Blondes


Giraffes are favourites among African wildlife. Part of the attraction is their sheer presence in the landscape, towering over every other critter and even over a lot of trees. The world’s tallest land animal, they can stretch to six metres high, and could peer into a second story window without effort. These tall blondes are always photogenic – long, lanky, and graceful, sporting movie star… Read moreNecking with Tall Blondes