Category: photo hints
Hoodoo Hunting in Dinosaur Provincial Park

Approaching Dinosaur Provincial Park in southeast Alberta, we come to a valley rim where the land suddenly drops into a vast expanse of spectacular badlands, the largest anywhere in Canada. The park was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in part because of the landscape, but also because it has the world’s largest deposits of dinosaur fossils from the Late Cretaceous period – about… Read moreHoodoo Hunting in Dinosaur Provincial Park
Elk Rut at Jasper National Park

One of our favourite things to do in the Rockies, and in Jasper National Park in particular, is photograph the elk rut in the fall, with late September and early October being prime time. Ear-piercing bugling echoes through the forest and valleys, as bull elk try to attract females and announce their presence. The bulls are busily rounding up their harems, while keeping an eye… Read moreElk Rut at Jasper National Park
Photographing Cape Breton’s Spectacular Cabot Trail

The Cabot Trail on Nova Scotia’s Cape Breton Island ranks among the most scenic drives in North America. While only about 300 kilometres long, it packs in an incredible amount of variety, with breathtaking coastal scenery on both the east and west coasts, forests, picturesque valleys, and Canada’s largest inland sea. A third of the route winds through Cape Breton Highlands National Park. The… Read morePhotographing Cape Breton’s Spectacular Cabot Trail
Photographing Death Valley’s Zabriskie Point

Death Valley abounds in awesome sights to photograph, but the single most famous spot is Zabriskie Point at sunrise. It’s so popular for a lot of good reasons. You stand on a high ledge overlooking a vast area of badlands. Beyond is the bold, triangular-shaped point known as Manly Beacon, and to the right stands the colourful Red Cathedral formation. Farther in the background… Read morePhotographing Death Valley’s Zabriskie Point
Bolivia’s Mesmerizing Uyuni Salt Lake

We arrived before dawn in the middle of Bolivia’s Salar de Uyuni, the world’s largest salt lake – bone dry during the southern hemisphere spring. The full moon cast a soft light over the immense salt flats, then as it dipped below the horizon, the rising sun suddenly washed a warm glow over the brilliant white salt, crystallized into strange polygon patterns that stretched… Read moreBolivia’s Mesmerizing Uyuni Salt Lake