Photographing Death Valley’s Zabriskie Point

Zabriskie Point, Death Valley

  Death Valley abounds in awesome sights to photograph, but the single most famous spot is Zabriskie Point at sunrise. It’s so popular for a lot of good reasons. You stand on a high ledge overlooking a vast area of badlands. Beyond is the bold, triangular-shaped point known as Manly Beacon, and to the right stands the colourful Red Cathedral formation. Farther in the background… Read morePhotographing Death Valley’s Zabriskie Point

Death Valley Wildflowers Super Bloom

Death Valley wildflowers

A Death Valley “super bloom” is something to behold. This extremely dry desert area averages only two inches of rain per year, but when rains occur, dormant wildflower seeds spring to life. Amazingly, they seemed to pop out of the most inhospitable looking stony and gravely ground. Here’s a sample of what we found. We’re not botanists, so if any of you flower experts out… Read moreDeath Valley Wildflowers Super Bloom

Planning a Bear Photography Trip to Katmai, Alaska

  On the last posting we talked about the incredible opportunity to photograph brown bears fishing for salmon, and getting into some wild scuffles, at Alaska’s Brooks River Falls. The falls are located in remote Katmai National Park, accessible only by air. Remoteness, combined with a short season, limited visitor capacity, and high demand, suggests that this is either a difficult place to get to,… Read morePlanning a Bear Photography Trip to Katmai, Alaska

Photographing the Bears of Katmai, Alaska

Katmai bears

  Our wildlife photography highlight this past summer was undoubtedly our close encounters with brown bears (larger cousins of the grizzly) in Alaska’s Katmai National Park. We’ve been fortunate to have visited many of the world’s wildlife hotspots, and we would rank Katmai as among the best of the best for photography. Despite being fairly remote (there’s no road access to Katmai, for example), it… Read morePhotographing the Bears of Katmai, Alaska

Photographing Yellowstone – Part 4 Planning


  As we discussed in the past three postings, Yellowstone National Park excels as a photography destination. If there is a downside to visiting Yellowstone, it’s the sheer number of people that also find it a great place to visit. Over three million people come every year, the vast majority between June and September. Our preferred style of travel is having the maximum amount of… Read morePhotographing Yellowstone – Part 4 Planning